Saturday, November 12, 2005

Greetings and Salutations

It's my first post in my new blog. I used to be Bolo Boffin, but the hobbit routine was tired before I even tried it. Anyway, it's still acerbic little me.

I'm typing this in Santa Rosalia, Mexico. I'm traveling right now as an actor for the Crystal Harmony, the soon-to-be-non-existant ship in the Crystal Cruises cruiseline. Yes, it's a sweet gig. The auditions are in Nashville, Tennessee; drop on by, I'm sure they'd love to see you.

Anyway, I hate Bush. There, I've said it, I've got it out of the way. You know this going in. Why do I hate Bush? Well, there's the thing about the stolen election(s). And then the thing about running the country into the ground to get tax breaks for all his corporate bosses. And then the thing about lying us into war, in order to get really great no-bid contracts for all his corporate bosses. Oh, I could go on and on, and I will. But not now. Now's the time for hello.

Also, I'm rather leery of religion. I used to be a believer. I was a member of the churches of Christ, a loose organization of back-to-the-Bible folks that have managed to more or less agree with themselves what the Bible says. Now I am not. It has nothing to do with my being gay. That's just icing on the cake.

Oh, yeah. Gay. That's me. And single. And sorta looking, but not really, because I travel a lot right now, and I want a committed relationship, and that's not possible right now. So single and floating.

I might be moving soon, and I'll have weird times to post when on the road, but will be fairly frequent when at home. So enjoy me while you got me. That's what I say.

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