Saturday, November 26, 2005

Time To...Sa-ay Goodbye...

That song will be stuck in my head forever.

The last time we were in Victoria, I walked out along the seawall to get this shot at sunset. The Harmony is scheduled to arrive there tomorrow for dry dock, where I expect it will be in exactly the same place.

There the workers will gut the poor ship. They are probably already ripping out something as they sail. They'll be in Victoria for a month or so, and then take her over to Japan, where she'll be rechristened the Osaku II.

It certainly was a great ship, with an outstanding crew. I'm so lucky to have been a part of her history, even though they kicked me off the last cruise. Heehee!

Hope all of you Harmoniacs check in and say hello. Pass my info around, especially to people I couldn't find on my last day. I love and miss you all.

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